Unearthed (Episode 1.21)

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After a teenage girl is pronounced brain dead, her mother takes her off life support, but when doctors operate quickly to remove her organs, the deceased girl shockingly awakens screaming an alphanumeric code. Equally as perplexing as her resurrection is that she is now somehow able to speak Russian and possesses classified information only a high-ranking soldier would know. While the girl’s mind-bending condition intensifies, Walter dusts off some old lab videos and hypothesizes the unthinkable, sending Olivia and Peter to investigate the bewildering case. And here’s another mystery: is it an unaired episode from Season One, or is it from an alternate universe?
This episode looks even more perplexing then normal, with a series question about the shows continuity. The episode appears to be an unaired episode from Fringe Season One, but if so wouldn't Fox tell us? Or perhaps this is an alternate dimension, but it can't be the one William Bell is in, because in that dimension Peter doesn't exist. So where or when does this episode take place and how can a brain dead girl wake up with Russian intelligence. We can only wonder until tonight at 9EST on FOX.


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